Wednesday, 19 June 2013

CARROT HALWA !!!!!!!!!


carrots - 1/2 kg
milk - 1 ltr
cardamom pow - 1/2 tsp
ghee - 3 tbl sp
sugar - 1 1/4 cup or acc to your taste
cashew nuts - few


1. Fry grated carrots in ghee for 2-3 mins and keep aside.
2. Reduce milk to half of its quantity and cook these carrots in the milk.
3. Add sugar, mix well and cook till sugar dissolves and all the milk has been absorbed stirring continuously.
4. Add ghee and simmer for 2-3 mins.
5. Add the cardamom pow and mix well.
6. Remove the carrot halwa from heat and arrange in a serving dish.
7. Garnish it with few cashew nuts.
8. Serve it hot or cold or at room temperatue.

Cool cool vanilla ice cream and hot hot carrot halwa is one of my fav combo. Try it once.

and here's an tip:-

If you want variation in taste, add 2tsp of drinking chocolate pow/ bournvita pow while making this halawa. I tried it and it tasted ok. Pic is given below...


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