Monday 19 August 2013


KHARWAS LADDOOS r my own invention :D Tried to make best out of waste & its ok ok in taste. Can try this recipe once :D


For kharwas:-

condensed milk - 400gm
milk - 1 cup
curds - 1 cup
elaichi pow - 1/4 tsp
aluminium foil - 1

To make laddoos:-

ghee - 2tsp
badam pow - 5 tsp (i used MTR badam feast pow)
horlicks pow/bournvita pow - 2 tsp


How to make Kharwas ????

1. In a large bowl, mix condensed milk+milk+curds+elaichi pow well.
2. Beat it with electric beater. Beat it for a few seconds till you see froth on top. Scrape the sides as you beat to make sure the ingredients have mixed well.
3. Sprinkle cardamom powder (optional).
4. Pour into a 1 litre pudding mould or any vessel that goes in the cooker(till 3/4th full).
5. Cover vessel tightly with grease-proof paper (i used a lid).
6. Pour some water into the cooker. Place a grid or a perforated plate(plate with holes) into the cooker (this way the vessel will not tilt). Place the vessel in cooker. Close the cooker(do not put whistle).
7. Turn the heat to medium-high or high & bring the cooker to full pressure, about 5 mins. Reduce to medium low & cook for another 15-20 mins.
8. Let it cool.

How to make KHARWAS LADDOO ???

1. Now mix this kharwas well and discard water from it.
2. In a kadai, add ghee & add kharwas+badam pow+horlicks pow/bournvita pow & mix well until the ghee leaves the sides.
3. Now switch off the stove and let it cool & make laddoos from it.


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