Sunday 20 August 2017


I adopted this recipe from one of my favourite blog GEETHS DAWATH. Something unique & tasty. But looks like i over fried them a little bit. So, please take care of the flame & temperature of oil while deep frying spinach. But tasted good & got to taste something new too. Btw, it's a chinese dish.


Spinach- 1 bunch
Cornflour - 2-3 tblsp
Chilly flakes – to taste
Sesame seeds -2 grams
Sugar- 1/2 tsp
Garlic – 2 tbsp chopped finely
Salt   to taste
Oil – as much needed to deep fry 

  1. Wash the spinach well, dab it in a clean kitchen cloth, remove the water and chop the spinach into julienne.
  2. Sprinkle lots of corn flour on it.
  3. In hot oil deep fry the dusted spinach till crispy.
  4. Put the fried spinach on an absorbent paper to drain the oil. 
  5. Heat wok/pan on a high heat.
  6. Saute garlic until light brown.
  7. Add the deep fried crispy spinach.
  8. Add chilly flakes(except sugar).  
  9. Add sesame seeds and toss till seasoning covers the spinach.
  10. Toss it with sugar.


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